My Top-5 Most Favorite British Entertainers

Click this button to see my other top-5 list

I didn’t do a top-5 list last month because I was so eager to share my top-5 British entertainers but at the same time, I want to share the people on my top list before making the list because I know for sure that not many people know them. They are awesome but a bit odd, a combination not many people risk to find out.

I have shared about them throughout November and I am now ready with my top-5 entertainers from The Great Britain. These entertainers will exclude musician as I have already shared my top-5 British Musician 2 years ago.

Great Britain consists of England, Scotland and Northern Ireland…which means that my dearest Cillian Murphy can’t be included as he is from Ireland (Republic). If he is included, he will – of course – be in number one position 😉

Ever since I fell in love with Cillian Murphy, I have been into UK and Ireland movies more than I have ever been in my life. I have always loved British music more than American music since I was a kid but Hollywood movies pretty much rules my life, and then Japanese movies creeping into my taste…and now, I am so happy that Cillian has opened my eyes and realized that movies from Great Britain and Ireland are as fascinating (sometimes even more) as the Hollywood ones.

As I watch more movies and telly, I grow to like more British entertainers than ever before.

Now…Let’s just move on to the list 😉

#5 Paul Bettany

I have been his fan since he mesmerized me as Silas in The DaVinci Code…and despite his bad movies such as Legion and Priest, I still have a lot of love for this man. I love seeing how he can change from one fragile man in Master and Commanders to a tough man in Priest, or from the chatty man in a Knight’s Tale to a serious man in Creation. I try to watch ALL his movies if I can find them. Not many people see him as a talented actor, but I do. I’ll watch a super crappy movie (read: Legion) ONLY because he was in it…that shows how much I like Paul Bettany.

#4 Simon Pegg, Nick Frost and Edgar Wright

This threesome have got to be the coolest and funniest duo+director combo ever exist on this planet! They got great Chemistry together…I hope after The World’s End they will still work together and create masterpieces. I also try to find ALL movies by Pegg, Frost and Wright (individually) but the threesome is still the best, nothing can beat Shaun of The Dead and Hot Fuzz. I am dying to see The World’s End now!

#3 Benedict Cumberbatch

It’s impossible to make a British related list without including the amazing Sherlock, Mr. Benedict Cumberbatch. His mind-blowing performance as Sherlock has secured his position as one of my favorite actors. I am glad his career seems to soar and shine now but I hope he won’t let himself fall into the trap of big budget crappy movies.

#2 The Boosh: Noel Fielding and Julian Barratt

I regret the fact that I have just found this amazing duo now!!! I wish I had seen their show back then in 2004. I am 8 year late 😦 . I hate the fact that my local TVchannels only showed American TVSeries, we are missing one of the best comedy series ever made!!  Julian Barratt and Noel Fielding are amazing…I want to peek into their brain or live with them to see how they work together. They have fascinating imaginations, they are loveable lunatic. I have so much love for them.

And as I have written before, I love Noelian (Noel-Julian) Bromance a lot!! They are the cutest couple in the world. Their friendship is so transparent and beautiful. They have strong chemistry stronger than any public duo. I never get tired seeing their interview because every interview shows how they love each other so much.

A special post on the love between Noel and Julian> Here
The Mighty Boosh review > Here

#1 Noel Fielding

Although I love Julian…but I love Noel Fielding more. Noel is the one who led me to The Boosh (not the other way around). He is freakin hilarious in Never Mind The Buzzcocks. His jokes are similar to my daily jokes…a series of silly imaginations. After seeing so many episodes of the Buzzcocks, I am glued to Noel. Then I saw The Mighty Boosh and am forever hooked with Noel.

I can easily say that he is the second celebrity I am obsessed with, right after Cillian Murphy. Only he and Cillian can make me lost track of time.

Noel Fielding is a surrealist comedian and painter. I want to be inside his head for a day and explore his crazy imagination which seems to span edgeless.

My first post about him> Introducing The Hilarious Noel Fielding.


I REALLY REALLY wish that one of these days, my two favorite Duos: Noel-Julian and Simon-Nick can play in a movie with Edgar Wright as the director 🙂 … It would be a dream comedy come true!!

Apart from those people in my top-5, I still have many entertainers I enjoy almost as much as them…here are my honorable mention:

  1. The rest of the Mighty Boosh : David Brown, Mike Fielding, (Rich Fulcher is not included because he is American … sorry Rich)
  2. David Tennant (actor)
  3. Catherine Tate (Actress/Comedian)
  4. Richard Ayoade (Comedian/Actor/Director)
  5. Christopher Nolan (Director)
  6. Rowan Atkinson (Actor/Comedian)
  7. Ralph Fiennes (Actor)
  8. Steven Moffat (Writer/producer)
  9. Martin Freeman (Actor)
  10. Prof Brian Cox (can I include him as entertainer?)
  11. Jeremy Irons (Actor)

Well…Those are the British I love so much…who are yours? Do share it with me :)

I am going to close this post with a music video where 3 of my favorite British are in the same car…the onl,y ones missing is Simon Pegg.

35 thoughts on “My Top-5 Most Favorite British Entertainers

  1. I’ve never heard of number 1 and 2 🙂 but when it comes to British comedians my fave are Rowan Atkinson, Dawn French, Jennifer Saunders…. British humour is much better than the American one of course…. can’t even be compared.

    1. You have got to see their series, Dezz! they are amazing. I have just asked Ruth to buy the original DVD for me…and jumping from torrentz to legal DVD means a lot love toward the show.

      I love Rowan Atkinson! he is in my honorable mention 🙂
      I haven’t heard of the other two tho.

      Hear hear to that!! For me, the most memorable sitcom from America is only Friends…others are just okay. As for the Brits, check out Mr. Bean, The Mighty Boosh, The IT Crowd…and many more.

      I am so into British humor because they are somehow similar to Japanese humor. Love their stand ups and their comedy quizes and even their interview sort of tvshow.

    1. I think your the first person I know who likes Legion.
      My not liking it is more because I never enjoy movies about God and angel arguing or at war. That is also the reason why I stop watching Supernatural eventho I used to love it.

      1. I don’t generally go in for anything religious, and Legion gets pretty corny in places, but it’s enough along the lines of the zombie apocalypse to keep me entertained.

        A bedroll is something you sleep in. Sometimes called a sleeping bag.

        Turkey tastes about as much like chicken as rabbit does.

        1. I think the best part of Legion is how hot Paul was in that movie 😉 I like him for his acting but he looks delightful in Legion and makes a great eye candy.

          Thank you for explaining that Audrey 🙂

  2. mine is obviously…
    1. Jeremy Clarkson (Top Gear presenter)
    2. Richard Hammond (Top Gear presenter)
    3. James May (Top Gear presenter)
    4. Daniel Craig (actor)
    5. David Bowie (Musician)

    adding another actor, Michael Gambon :))

    Seriously, Top Gear combines all elements I love, cars, brit jokes and childish behavior haha, I love those guys.

    1. hey…no musician! 😉
      hahaha I can understand your love toward Top Gear, I saw some of it in Youtube…
      You might like the Buzzcocks too, it’s a quiz about music but contain more jokes than music.

      All hail British jokes!!! They are freakin nuts…and that’s why Noel Fielding is my number one 😉

      thank you for sharing Cil 🙂

        1. ah…yes, I forgot about that! then I allow Bowie 😉

          Never Mind The Buzzcocks to be exact, it sometimes contains dirty jokes tho…be prepared 😉

  3. I don’t think I’ve paid much attention to british entertainers, but here are the people who stuck in my head:

    1. Rowan Atkinson
    for the obvious reason, I mean, Mr, Bean is like, brilliant)
    2. Michael Sheen
    He’s not very handsome but I adore his acting. Some of his movies are Underworld, The Damned United, Frost/Nixon, The Queen, and also Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. Let me tell you he made the latter two so much better :D.
    3. BBC’s Top Gear Presenters (Clarkson, Hammond, May, and also the Stig if it turns out he is also a brit)
    I would never have know so much about car if nor for them. They are hilarious!
    4. Sean Connery
    He’s just magnificent, and one of a few actors that I think just gets more handsome as he gets older :D. The Rock, The Hunt for Red October, In the Name of the Rose, and The Untouchables are some of my favorite movies of all time. This reminds me, I don’t think I’ve got the chance to see any of his James Bond movies, I should get to them later.
    5. Simon Cowell
    I kind of want to smash his face sometimes, but let’s face it, he has his own style and some of his rude, impolite comments made some of my days much brighter.

    Honorable mentions: Alan Rickman, Jeremy Irons, Ben Barnes, Kate Beckinsale, Colin Firth, Ian McKellen, Christopher Lee, Orlando Bloom, and many I can’t think about right now.LOL.

    Regading your list, I also adore Paul Bettany,Benedict, and Ralph Fiennes as well. I first like Paul in Wimbledon, the one with Kirsten Dunst, Benedict in Sherlock of course ( I also adore him inTinker Tailor Soldier Spy) and Ralph Fiennes in Schindler’s List. I don’t think I hear much of British Musicians, aside from Muse and One Direction, lol. So my list is composed just with actors.

    Miss Novi, I just realize I haven’t practiced English since like, forever. I think my ability is degrading, what to do? D: and do you understand what I’ve written here? I think my writing has become very horrible T__________________T

    Thanks for inviting me to share my list ^^

    1. First of all, thank you for doing this Kay 🙂

      hahaha Simon Cowell is really annoying but without him, american idol becomes extremely dull!

      Hail Rowan Atkinson!!! I guess no one could hate him…I wish for more Mr.Bean series 😉

      Hehe…musician is not allowed here, Kay…only actors, comedian, and people behind movies/tvshows.

      I don’t see any problem with your English, in fact my post contains massive mistakes that I have to fix later. You can always practice with writing a blog 😉

  4. I think you know about Britain and its entertainers than I do. I need to pick up my game and watch more tv shows and movies before I name my top 5. I admire your dedication and knowledge. And I learn so much from you.

    1. Well, Japan and Britain are my two most favorite countries in the world…the two countries have something unique that other countries don’t have, IMO. However, I have to admit that I pay more attention to British telly and movies these past few years. As for the music, I grew up in a family who loves The Beatles, my early knowledge of the existance of England 😉

      Thank you TBM for saying that. You are so lucky to live there.

  5. I was thinking the same as TBM, you know more than I do.
    It’s an interesting list, especially the extended one as I didn’t know all the names.
    I realized I’ve seen a lot of Paul Bettany’s movies. I think he has still not had a very big role yet but that might come.

    1. I think the reason I know more than you and TBM is because I enjoy watching as much as reading…they both are equally important in my daily life.

      The honorable mention, you mean? well I often like people who are not so well-known here (check out Cillian, not many Indonesian know him.)

      Yeah, I feel sorry for Paul, he is really good but not yet has great movie that can lift his name.

    1. Thank you Steph 🙂
      Yes he is! He is annoying and yet very fun…and Benedict really pulls it off. I can’t wait to see the nest series.

      Ah..why don’t you share your favorite British entertainers too Steph?

  6. Ahah, glad to see you explain why Cillian is not on this list Nov 😉 Btw, speaking of Mighty Boosh, I just got your dvd, I hope you’ll enjoy those!

    1. yaii \(^^)/ thank you, Ruth. there are 2 reasons to wait for Dec 13 now, to meet you and to have the DVD 🙂

      Btw, why don’t you share your list too…I bet Gerry and Dalton are included 😉

  7. Well I don’t really know any of those other than Rowan Atkinson and Ralph Fiennes.
    If you like British humor, you should check out Monty Python on Youtube. Try The Dead Parrot sketch as it is one of their most famous bits.

    1. As I have said at Wombania, I will 😉
      Monty is Mighty Boosh’s biggest inspiration and I have planned to see it since I fell in love with The Boosh. but I am going to download it…watching in youtube is not really fun. It takes time to download stuffs, but I can assure you I will watch Monty Python 🙂

  8. ‘Entertainers’ is a pretty common word. It’s hard to just pick 5 from the wide range of spectrum… but of course, I am going to try..

    #5. Ewan McGregor
    I think I fell in love with his voice first, not his looks, when I watched Moulin Rouge. I’ve never seen an actor with such a beautiful voice. I’m telling you, he could make a record of him singing the phone book and I’d buy it in a jiffy!

    #4. Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, and James May
    I remember stumbling upon BBC Top Gear one night when I couldn’t get to sleep. I was glued to the screen, simply because I enjoyed listening to their British accent. But as I watched more and more episodes, I realized how incredibly funny this trio was and I was instantly addicted to this show! They were (and still are) hilarious without even trying and the competitions they have every week are pure entertainment. I really hope this show is going to air again one day, either on the local TV station or on cable. We all need a bit of dry humor once a week, don’t we? 🙂

    #3. Emma Thompson
    I love this actress with all my heart. She is very multi-talented (she’s a brilliant writer! She wrote the screenplay for Sense & Sensibility, Nanny McPhee, and provided additional dialogue in one of my all time fav drama of all time: Pride & Prejudice) and she’s not afraid to make a fool of herself for the art. She’s got that tomboy-ish charm that I really like and she is effortlessly beautiful.

    #2. James McAvoy
    I think it’s difficult to hate a person with a face like McAvoy’s. He’s got that adorable look on his face, and those blue eyes got me every time. Appearances aside, McAvoy is one talented actor. I’m sure you’ve seen some of my tweets where I sang my praises for his portrayal of young Charles Xavier in X-Men First Class, but the movie that got me hooked on him is Becoming Jane. His performance in this movie broke my heart. *grabbing tissue

    #1. Benedict Cumberbatch
    Who else did you expect to sit at the top spot for my most favorite British Entertainers if not this tall, brooding, insanely-gorgeous human being? He’s a fantastic actor on screen and on stage, a brilliant audio book reader, and the perfect Sherlock Holmes. I can go on and on and on about how perfect this gentleman is, but I’m not going to do so. Instead, I am going to point out one thing about Mr. Cumberbatch that I’m really in awe of: He is EXTREMELY articulate! He is like a talking Oxford dictionary! From one interview of him on youtube alone, I can learn many interesting and new vocabularies. This just shows how SMART he really is. And smart men is a big plus for me 😉

    1. Well…you know, I want to put Noel in my list…hence the list becomes entertainers 😉
      If I use fav actors, I can’t put him in the list as I doubt that he is a good actors, great comedian yes but not great actor.

      Ah!! I forgot to put Ewan in my honorable list!

      Hahaha I knew from the beginning Benny will be in your number 1 😉

      1. Thank God you excluded Ireland for this top 5, otherwise I would have had a difficult time trying to decide where I should put Michael Fassbender on the list. But then again, if Ireland had been included, this list might as well would have been my Top 5 fav Brittain & Ireland actors.

        1. I wouldn’t have difficulty at all if Ireland is included 😉
          Cillian is still number one regardless the fact that I am currently crazy over Noel.

  9. 5.Jimmy Bullard (Football Player)
    4.Daniel Craig (Actor)
    3.Ricky Gervais (Comedian)
    2.Christopher Nolan
    1.Rowan Atkinson

    Not in particular order 😀

    Honorable mention :

    – Noel Fielding
    – Misfits Casts
    – Simon Pegg and Nick Frost
    – Gordon Ramsay
    – Idris Elba
    – Gemma Arteton

    1. Thank you for finally sharing your list Nuzul 🙂

      Whuaaaaaaa….so happy to see Noel in your honorable mention ((hug)) I guess you’ve seen a lot of The Buzzcocks lately 😉

  10. Great choices! Really like this list.

    I’d also include some of The Fast Show performers. Jim Broadbent would also be a worthy addition. Michael Caine is hilarious, so I might add him. Perhaps these too: Cary Grant, Anthony Hopkins, Patrick Stewart, Laurence Olivier, Oliver Reed and the entire group of Monty Python!

    1. Thank you Roisin 🙂
      ah … may I assume you know The Mighty Boosh? please say yes! I feel lonely when it comes to my love for the boosh, no one I know in this blogging world seems to know them 😦

      I am planning to see Monty Phyton one of these days…just need to find it first.

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