Doctor Sleep by Stephen King

Dokter SleepI have been meaning to read this sequel of The Shining ever since the book was released but I have been busy. I have finished the book a month ago and again being busy kept me from writing the review till this day.

If you have read The Shining, it’s hard not to compared that book with this one…however, even though people call Doctor Sleep as the Shining sequel but I can easily say that they are more like stand alone novels. Some of the characters are connected but the story itself is so far apart. You can read Doctor Sleep and understand everything without having to read The Shining first.

In term of horror and thrill, The Shining wins all the way. I remembered feeling so scare while reading it, something I didn’t feel while reading Doctor Sleep..BUT that doesn’t make Doctor Sleep less interesting. It still has King’s style of unexpected turn of story. Many people seemed to dislike the book and kept comparing it with The Shining, for me Doctor Sleep only lacks of horror but the excitement is the same. King’s book can always take me away from reality and live a moment in the pages of the book, that’s why I love him. Continue reading “Doctor Sleep by Stephen King”

Books in 2014

If there is one thing I regret from 2014, it’s the lack of time I had to read.

I love reading, I always love it as much as watching movies. But every since I live in the school dorm, I have less and less time to read. I like reading while I am riding public transportation and now I rarely use public transportation and therefore it reduces my reading time 😦

People make new year’s resolution…for me, my resolution is to read more!!

I hope in 2015 I can read more books than what I read in 2014.

Anyway, here are the books I read in 2014: Continue reading “Books in 2014”

UR, a Novella by Stephen King

My friend once told me that she saw a picture of Stephen King holding a pink Kindle. I thought it was sooo extreme, I mean he’s the king of horror and thriller and yet instead of black he has PINK kindle…who would have thought?

Here’s the pic: (he looks so happy with that girly kindle 😉 )
Pink King Kindle

Of course, I look it up….and it turned out there’s a book about kindle. I am not sure which one was first, King had pink kindle then wrote the story or he wrote the story and then got a pink kindle. I wish I had the time to search for it but I didn’t have the luxury of time at the moment. All I know is that UR is exclusively written for Amazon Kindle (I don’t have a kindle as amazon refused to sell it in Indonesia; but for the love I have toward King’s works, I get around) Continue reading “UR, a Novella by Stephen King”

Cycle of The Werewolf by Stephen King

Cycle of The WerewolfThe dating doesn’t make sense but the power of storytelling by the great Stephen King makes everything acceptable.

Cycle of the werewolf is unlike other King’s book, not in the sense of the story but from the way he writes the book. The book begins with a page filled only with a list of months in one year. At first I was a bit confused, but when I started reading it I understood what it means, he was trying to tell what happened in those months.

The cycle of the werewolf is about a werewolf in a place called Tarker’s Mills. It was a nice little town where everybody seems to know everyone and just like most small town, it was a peaceful town until that horrible January.

I think the blurb from Goodreads has described the terror so well, so I will share it here:

“The first scream came from the snowbound railwayman who felt the fangs ripping at his throat. The next month there was a scream of ecstatic agony from the woman attacked in her snug bedroom.

Now scenes of unbelieving horror come each time the full moon shines on the isolated Maine town of Tarker Mills. No one knows who will be attacked next. But one thing is sure.

When the moon grows fat, a paralyzing fear sweeps through Tarker Mills. For snarls that sound like human words can be heard whining through the wind. And all around are the footprints of a monster whose hunger cannot be sated” Continue reading “Cycle of The Werewolf by Stephen King”

The Stand Miniseries (1994)


As you’ve already known, I felt VERY disappointed with Under The Dome series because of the changes…not that I am against changes but the changes are just too awful to see. The series has turned a good book to look so simple. Because of that disappointment, I tried to find The Stand. The Stand and Under The Dome are two of King’s thickest books, both are more than 1000 pages. The Stand Miniseries only had 4 episode and each episode was 1,5 hours. Before you continue reading, I want to say that I REALLY LIKE THIS MINISERIES!! This is how King’s book should be made into visual…STAY TRUE TO THE STORY!!

Let’s begin this post with an open letter to the great Mr. Stephen King:

Dear Mr. King,

I love your works…you are my number one author and I want to be a writer like you someday. However, if ANYONE…I mean ANYONE (that includes yourself) wants to turn your book into a movie or miniseries, can you please make sure that that person DOES NOT change the story. Changing the details is okay but not the basic story. I had hard time enjoying The Shining and Under The Dome is a total failure, the two took TOO much liberty to your story. On contrary, I love Shawshank Redemption, Green Mile, and The Stand…and we both know very well that those three stay true to your books. In case you have forgotten who you are…let me refresh your memory, YOU ARE A GREAT STORYTELLER and let it be shown in both movies and series.

Hope you’ll have long life and keep writing more books,


Your fan from Indonesia.

Now, let’s talk about The Stand 😉

I read the book in 2010. The story is about a new strand of virus that had symptoms like normal flu. The virus was created by US government and it got loose to the society by accident. Within weeks, the virus spread had wiped out almost everyone in United State and maybe the world, but there is no news about the world because the government was covering it up. Some people weren’t infected by the virus…somehow they were immune. The immune forms two groups, one followed Mother Abagail and her believe toward God while the other followed Flagg who happened to had very dark heart.

To know more about The Stand, you can read my review > Here. Continue reading “The Stand Miniseries (1994)”

Five Favorite Fictional Biopic

Click this button to see my other top-5 list
Click this button to see my other top-5 list

Last week, my fellow movie blogger Ruth @ Flixchatter posted a very interesting post…so interesting that I decided to make it into my top-5 post. I was actually preparing another top-5 post but that one can wait. Ruth posted Favorite Fictional Biopic

First, the description of biopic (Wikipedia)

A biographical film, or biopic (abbreviation for biographical motion picture), is a film that dramatizes the life of an actual person or people. Such films show the life of a historical person and the central character’s real name is used.They differ from films “based on a true story” or “historical films” in that they attempt to comprehensively tell a person’s life story or at least the most historically important years of their lives.

The description belongs to real people…however I haven’t seen enough real biopic to come up with five favorite biopic. Fortunately, I have seen many fictional biopic and I have some that I love so much 🙂

Here are my top 5 favorite fictional biopic.

#5 Carrie

Carrie is an interesting character because she is actually NOT a monster. People around her turn her into a monster. The movie is interesting because we get to see the changes in Carrie. Although the movie doesn’t include little Carrie but the book explains how the torment from her mother shapes who she becomes. I hope the new Carrie can portray Carrie from the book like what Sissy Spacek did. Continue reading “Five Favorite Fictional Biopic”

The End of UNDER THE DOME & Welcome to BATES MOTEL

The End of Under The Dome

I have written my first impression of the first three episodes of Under The Dome about a month ago. Now, I have seen 5 episodes and it’s time to say good bye.

I have mentioned so often that I love the book, love it so much because of the characters. I have also written in my first impression that the series is very different to the book…it’s like a new story with the same situation: People trapped under an invisible dome.

After 5 episodes, I decided to say it’s enough! No matter how much I love King but the changes in the series is already intolerable and NONE of the characters in the series is appealing, they are all very boring.

Here are the differences…so far!
Continue reading “The End of UNDER THE DOME & Welcome to BATES MOTEL”

Under The Dome – Thought on The First 3 Episodes

Chester’s Mill is a place like any other, at least it used to be until we were cut off with the rest of the world by a mysterious dome. Invisible, indestructible and completely inescapable. We don’t know where it came from and why it’s here. Now that we all trapped under the dome, none of our secrets are safe.

Under The DomeAs I have already mentioned it several times, one of my most anticipated viewings (I no longer say anticipated movies because I am anticipating some tvseries) is Under The Dome. The reason is VERY simple…because I LOVE THE BOOK!

Many King’s fans didn’t like it as much as I do but for me, this is easily one of my favorites. I like the way he creates all the characters and the way they behave toward the isolation. Although the ending was a bit weak but the whole journey was amazing.  There were a lot of emotions involved in it. The book was over 1000 pages and I read it gluttonously as if it was only few hundred pages.

I am not going to talk about the book now…it’s all about the miniseries…the ongoing miniseries.

I have read (and also dreaded) that there will be some changes to the story and characters which is to be expected in every adaptation. The question is how big of change will it be.

I was planning to reread the book before the series started but holiday is a bad time to read, I normally read while I am on the road (read: on public transportation, on queue, etc). I spent most of my holiday at home and that made me lazy to pick up any book, I prefer to spend my time playing with my turtles or my nephew or watching DVDs…things that I can’t do while I am on the road. So, till this day I haven’t reread Under The Dome. Even so…I still remember the story and the characters.

The rumour about the series being changed was so true! Continue reading “Under The Dome – Thought on The First 3 Episodes”

11/22/63 by Stephen King


What will you do if you find a gate that can take you back to 1953? Will you take a chance to rewrite  history and make yourself a hero? Or collect a lot of money by betting on sport? Or will be too scared to even try anything?

…but what if you know every time you visit the past, you put everything in reset?

Oh Mr. Stephen King…you really are a great story teller, for the first time in my reading life, I really care to know what will happen to a fictional character’s love life.

When I began reading 11/22/63, all I know is that King will take me to a journey of how one man tried to save JFK, I have no idea that he will take me to a romantic story that got caught in between so many tragedies.

11/22/63 is a slow pace book, at least for me it’s a slow pace because I finished Under The Dome (1074 pages) faster than this book which only has 880 pages…but I dare to say that Under The Dome (although I will reread it few days from now) has too made-believe ending while 11/22/63 has a powerful ending.

I will try to write my review without too much spoiler…but it’s hard not spoiling it to let you all know what makes the book great. Continue reading “11/22/63 by Stephen King”

Broken Computer, Lamb, Collective Soul and Under The Dome



Well…I am going to pretend that someone, anyone, noticed that I haven’t been updating my blag since Monday.

The reason for my missing in action is because of my computer refused to start 😦 After my brother investigated the problem, he found out that my motherboard was broken 😦 . He is the only one who understands computer so I have to wait till he had time to buy the new motherboard. The computer wouldn’t start on Tuesday and tonight it finally comes alive again 🙂

During that time, I realized how dependent I am with my dearest computer. My life was a bit miserable without it and I am not exaggerating. Continue reading “Broken Computer, Lamb, Collective Soul and Under The Dome”

An Interview With Marky Jahjali – Indonesian Director Who Will Direct A Stephen King Adaptation Movie

About two days ago, I posted a post called How I Met Another Stephen King’s Fan and I also mentioned that I will have a simple interview with him.

Why would I want to interview a King’s fan? you might ask!

Well…this fellow King’s fan happens to be a talented Young Director.

Marky Jahjali
Marky Jahjali

Meet Marky Jahjali!

I was born from an artistic father & a scientific mother, under the August moon and constellation of Leo. Been writing stories since 7 years old. Love science, art, tech, good food, movies, and books. A grandson of an actress of the 50s. Has a twitching third eye.

Marky was graduated from Bandung Institute of Technology’s school of fine arts and design. He had directed 4 short films,  His Chair, Lolonii and Strangers (click on the title to see the film) . All three of them have been nominated in many movie festivals. He has also received many praises from critics. He had also directed art video and documentary

Marky is not only a Director but also an actor and a writer.

It’s going to take a whole page to write about his achievement…therefore, I have created a second page for you to read more about his works. Please go click>> HERE.

Now…let’s begin the interview … and since we both are Stephen King’s fans, I can’t resist the urge to ask him few things about SK 😉

Continue reading “An Interview With Marky Jahjali – Indonesian Director Who Will Direct A Stephen King Adaptation Movie”

How I Met Another King’s Fan & 2 Videos of King’s Adaptation

If you have been to my blog so many times, I am sure you know that I am a huge fan of the great Mr. Stephen King. I love his works and I honestly think he is one of the best writers of this century … even though many will contradict my opinion

Being a fan of Stephen King is not easy in Indonesia. People might have heard his name but most never read his works. I introduced him to my best friend, she likes him but not quite a fan like me. She told me that she introduced King to his work mate and said that he likes it and wants to read more by him 🙂

I think it’s a bit unfair when someone said that King is bla bla bla (all the bad words) without even trying to read his works. He doesn’t only write horror, he writes many things…hope is one of them. His aim is not only to scare people meaningless. Anyway, I am not here to talk about his greatness and why I love his works…I want to share about another huge fan in Indonesia.

Continue reading “How I Met Another King’s Fan & 2 Videos of King’s Adaptation”