Introducing The Hilarious Noel Fielding (My Newest Obsession)

If any of you are following my twitter you might have known about this…I have been constantly twitting about him and I am sure you are bored with my twits 😉

…this is the second time I feel so obsess over a celebrity…the first time was, of course, over Cillian Murphy

Who is Noel Fielding?

I am not sure any of my blogger friends knows him (maybe one or two know him)…even in real life I only know 1 person who knows him. It doesn’t surprise me tho, who could possibly know about a British Comedian here in the country where everyone focuses more on Hollywood glamour.

Noel Fielding is a British surrealist, comedian, actor, artist, DJ and musician (that’s how wikipedia describes him). For me, Noel is an unusual hilarious comedian with a slight shyness every time he says something funny. There is something about his jokes that hits me straight away…it might not be the kind of joke for everyone, but it sure is my kind of joke.

I first saw him in The IT Crowd as the Goth Richmond Avenal, he was my favorite character in that series. As I have written in my Never Mind The Buzzcocks post, I started watching The Buzzcocks after being so hooked up with its special edition on Doctor Who. When I saw it, I knew straight away that one of the team’s captains was the one who played Richmond Avenal, Noel Fielding. The more I saw episodes of The Buzzcocks, the more I got into his jokes. I then twitted “I think I am beginning to fall in love with Noel Fielding

Noel Fielding as Richmond Avenal

And then I googled him, of course! And my friend, THE ONLY ONE who knows who Noel Fielding is told me that I should watch The Mighty Boosh. I’ll talk more about his partner, Julian Barratt, and the Boosh on later post. All I can say now is that Noel Fielding has one dedicated Fangirl here in Indonesia and I am also a Noelian fangirl 😉

His stand up routine is often in form of stories…surrealist stories to be precised. He also plays many characters with different voices. It’s amazing seeing how easy he changes his voice and accent. His comedy is similar with Julian Barratt and that’s why they joined up together. I have seen some stand ups and I have to say that Noel’s stand up is different to most I have seen.

Here is his stand up before he becomes as famous as now

And he maintains his style up to this day, here is him last week on Sidney (so close to Indonesia but still too far for me 😦 ). Recorded by Cass Abian

In the Buzzcocks, his jokes are also similar to his delirious joke

“A metal detector made out of metal? ‘cause that always confuses me. It can detect itself. Beep…me again…beep…it’s me, sorry…beep…I can’t help it, I mainly metal.”

His jokes and the way he responds to people are somehow similar to me, I am not saying I am a comedian, but I am the kind of person who often jokes around based on situations. In other word, I totally get Noel’s jokes.

I am not going to be a hypocrite by saying I only love his comedy, apart from his hilarity, I also love his look. He is REALLY handsome and charming…I like to call him adorable (as gorgeous belongs only to Cillian). The way he smiles shyly on his own joke, the way he ruffles his hair and avoids laughing by drinking…every movement he does is adorable. And to add sugar to an already sweet cake, he has amazing hair style and fantastic outfits.

Noel’s outfit at The Buzzcocks

I have never seen anyone wears cowboy hat as good looking as him

Maybe because he is a comedian, he looks younger than my other celebrity crush, Cillian Murphy. Noel was born on 21 May 1973

Through the Buzzcocks, I can see that he gets along well with the panelist.

This was said by Cassie (   during the signing in Sidney

“One thing I need to say about Noel. He’s the most softly spoken, most gentle person I’ve ever met in my life. And when he talks to you he looks you RIGHT IN THE EYE.”

Through many interview, I can see that he is a nice person.

However, it’s easier to find Noel haters than Cillian haters….maybe because he is a comedian. Here’s one:

The funny ones in the Boosh were Julian Barrett and Rich Fulcher.

Noel Fielding has never really been funny, just acted strange as if that was enough to make you laugh. His idea of funny is to just act more weird in lieu of saying anything funny.  Its amusing for a second or two, then its just watching someones ego. Dull.

Someone’s ego? I don’t see him as a person who shows up his ego to the public.

There are so many quotes where he admits that he isn’t THAT funny (tho he is funny to me)

There’s nothing more humbling than coming out of a gig hot and sweaty having done an hour-long show and seeing ‘you’re shit’ over your own face.

And he shared story during his early stand ups

Audience: Get your shit
Mom: Shut your mouth
Noel: Mom, calm, it’s fine. I am a bit rubbish

Well…whatever people say, I find him hilarious and good looking.

Apart from being a comedian, he is also an artist. He was graduated from Croydon art college, Buckingham Chilterns University College. He had done a couple of art show. Here is one of his paintings:

I will close this post with a picture of my favorite couple in the whole wide world, Noel Fielding and Julian Barratt from The Mighty Boosh (I will talk about their relationship in my future post)


You can also read about him at Noel’s Fieldmice

31 thoughts on “Introducing The Hilarious Noel Fielding (My Newest Obsession)

    1. Thank you for reading about him Caroline 🙂
      I gladly introduce him to anyone who wants to hear it. He is quite famous in England but not that much in other parts of the world. I just found him now but his high moment was back in 2004.

      His hair and outfit are his well wellknown features 😉

  1. He looks very like Michael Praed when he was younger (do a Google image search on Michael Praed, I bet you’ll see what I mean!)

    Hey Novroz, I’m going to unfollow your blog in the WordPress Reader but I shall still going to be reading via my bookmarks instead from now on. 🙂 I find it easier that way.

    1. Just googled him! Ye does look alike…but he has a more serious face, Noel has that adorable playful face that I like the most.

      Ah!! you have just reminded me that I need to bookmark you again. I re-install my firefox and lost some bookmark. I have been wondering…who else I haven’t bookmarked again. I agree with you, following through bookmark is easier and better. Sorry I forgot to bookmark you again, Val…I really like your site.

    1. Really? I think Simon Le Bon was more glamor pop. Noel is more like glam rock.

      Hehe no surprise you never heard of him Ruth 😉
      It’s a surprise if you have heard about him. Maybe one day he can be in a comedy movie with Simon Pegg, that’ll get him noticed for sure…but to be honest, I like him to be as he is now.

      1. I think I might’ve heard of his name, just had no idea who he is until now 🙂 So we both love the Brits don’t we? They are far more interesting to me than US celebs, and if he’s funny, even better! 🙂

        Btw, I haven’t blogged about GB in a while but excited that he’ll be in some late nite shows in the US promoting his new movie Chasing Mavericks, I’ll be seeing that next weekend!

        1. I do believe his TV-show was aired in America, maybe you had a glimpse of it long time ago.
          Hear hear!! They have great personalities.

          Ah!! come on Ruth! write more about GB!! Don’t make my Noel Fielding posts defeat your GB posts 😉

      1. Yes and no. There are clubs in place like New York City and Los Angeles that do well, but where I live it’s rare for any comedians to perform live. At lest, not official acts. 🙂 There is stand up on TV. That’s where I see it.

        1. ah…I see, maybe it’s not as famous as it is in UK because these comedians often have national tour just like rock band.

          Noel was recently in Sidney and Melbourne to do 4 gigs.

          1. Things are more compact in UK. We have comedians do tours too, but they tend to concentrate in places with high population levels – so east and west coasts. They call all the places I’ve ever lived “fly over land.”

  2. Novroz, long time no see. Pa kabar? ^^ Btw, foto pertamanya, gue pikir itu Cillian. Sepertinya ada miripnya (dari samping doang si…). Wah, wah, Cillian di-dua-in dunk. ;p

    1. Iya nih lama tak berkiprah dirimu 😉
      Baik … sangat baik malah 🙂

      Hahahaha dirimu orang kedua yang bilang Noel mirip Cillian…padahal kalo dimata gw ga mirip. Iya nih Cillian punya saingan, gw bener2 kepincut ama komedian berhidung aneh ini 😉

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