The Silent City

I found this amazing short film on youtube.

First, I’m not going to lie, I searched it because I was looking for Cillian Murphy (me and my Cillian Murphy’s obsession), but as I often said, my judgment on his movie is never clouded by the fact that he is in the film.

When I saw it, I was blown away, I didn’t really care when Cillian is going to appear the second I saw the film. It started with someone’s head being blown away to pieces with great special effect. I literally said ‘Wow!!’ and drawn completely into the film.

The story is about war and it only lasted for 7 minutes…7 amazing minutes if I may add. I don’t need to write how the story goes, just watch it for yourself…if you have the guts to watch it.

What I like about this short film is how clean the CGI is and how real it feels like. And the blood! Just look at how perfect that is. The blown away legs look real and the blood on the dead soldier is not forcing too much. Can you feel the silent? The aura really describes how silent the city is and it is supported with perfect background music. The story is well-build, only 7 minutes but you can draw the rest of the story by yourself.

The second I finished watching it, my mind started wondering “How come this is just a short film? I want it to be a 2 hours film!!” (Of course the script has to be really good)

I also want to share the making of The Silent City (which is no longer than the film itself)

My Rating:

This short film is perfect for my R.I.P Challenge V because war is one of the most perilous situations.





13 thoughts on “The Silent City

    1. @Bananamolly I’m glad you like it 🙂

      @Caroline I think so too…and I wonder what is it that coming at them, it moves so fast. I kinda think that the whole civilization has gone and changed by ‘something’ else

      @AllAboutWarMovies I’d love to read what you think of this film in your blog.

    1. @AllAboutWarMovies will go straight to your blog and thank you for spreading the word…I really want more people to see this SF.

      @Kaliana It is good 🙂 I hope you’ll like it too

  1. “with great special effect” >> no wonder if the mp4 file size is 100mb-ish though the movie itself is only 7 minutes long…
    and my internet connection couldnt provide that 😀 i’ll check the movie later after i refill my internet credit
    *so im really curious about his act on irish movie like you’ve told me 🙂

    1. Are you downloading it? I wish I can…but keepvid and youddl in my nearby warnet can’t DL youtube anymore 😦

      Because this is a short film, there’s not much of an individual act here. Cillian himself only appears for a few seconds.

  2. Well good thing I read your description first as I don’t think I have the guts to see all that blood and gore. Your obsession for Mr. Murphy is endearing Nov, I think I officially find someone who love his fave actor way more than I do mine 😀 I can’t stand war films though, so I’d take your word for it that Cillian is great in this, as he always is.

    1. You know Ruth, I used to think that I’d never be obsess with other actors as I am to Keanu…but I was wrong, Cillian keeps rising up to take Keanu’s place because he has something Keanu doesn’t have.

      Hehe…yes I also believe that I love him more than you love GB 😉 Cillian will officialy become a monthly post next month.

      There are only 3 actors in this short film and all of them play really good.

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