Sherlock – The Empty Hearse

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Gyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…Sherlock!!! Finally!!

Does the waiting worth? Yes….bloody freakin YES!!!

No matter how many TV Series I have watched in 2013…none can compete to Sherlock. It is still my number 2 most favorite TV Series! Sherlock has totally beat all the series that came up between Sherlock 2 to Sherlock 3.

First of all, for those who haven’t seen Sherlock series 2…I urge you to close this page because this review is a MAJOR spoiler to what happened in the closing of series 2.

Second, this is a spoiler free review but I do have hidden spoilers and don’t be tempted to see it because it’s better to watch the first episode of series 3 without knowing anything.

Do watch this mini-episode before you start reading 🙂

The Empty Hearse is BRILLIANT!! It’s witty, it’s funny, and it’s emotional.

As we all know it (if you have seen series 2), Sherlock faked his death in series 2 finale…that last episode (The Reinchenbach Fall) had made sooo many Sherlockian created one theory after another of how Sherlock faked his death (this is my guess> here). In this first episode of series 3, DON’T EXPECT to see it being reveled…it kept you wondering whether the theory was correct or not.

“Sorry, but the holiday is over, brother dear. Back to Baker street, Sherlock Holmes.”

I love the acting. Sometimes I wonder why Martin Freeman won BAFTA while Benny didn’t…I am not saying Martin is not good, I meant why not the two of them won BAFTA…seeing this The Empty Hearse, I can see clearly why Martin won, the emotion and the expression of a John Watson is more difficult than of a Sherlock Homes. When the two met, it was so clear which character needed an extra acting ability…John’s facial expression was amazing.


“We have to get rid of that. He looks ancient. I can’t be seen wandering around with an old man.”

And I love seeing everyone back on the series…I am so happy none of the characters are played by other actors. I miss seeing how Sherlock deducts things and how John reacts on every Sherlock moves…and the awkwardness of Molly Hopper, Mrs. Hudson and her love for the boys, Greg Lestrade and even Anderson.

Just like the two previous series…I love the dialogue…I can’t stop quoting it, I wish I can get my hand on the script (the whole series) because it would make a fascinating read. The dialogue is both funny and witty…and of course, for Sherlock’s part, it’s bloody difficult to memorize.

One of my favorite lines of this episode…because it’s hilarious!! (SPOILERS … block it to see it)

John: I’ve got some news.
Mrs. Hudson: Oh God, is it serious?
John: What? Oh no…I am not ill. I’m moving on
Mrs. Hudson: You’re emigrating?
John: Nope. No, I’ve met someone.
Mrs. Hudson: oh…oh…lovely.
John: Yup. We’re getting married, well I’m going to ask anyway.
Mrs. Hudson: So soon after Sherlock?
John: hmm…well yes!
Mrs. Hudson: What’s his name?
John: huuuh…it’s a woman!
Mrs. Hudson: A woman?
John: Yes, of course it’s a woman!
Mrs. Hudson: You really have moved on, are you?
John: Mrs. Hudson how many times…Sherlock is not my boyfriend!
Mrs. Hudson: Live and let live, that’s my motto
John: Listen to me! I AM NOT GAY!

Now, let’s talk a bit about the story. Sherlock returns to London because Mycroft needs his help to uncover a future terrorist attack. If you have a best friend faking his death and suddenly showed up, will you be angry at your best friend? It’s a simple human nature…John is piss off with Sherlock. The meeting scene is very funny!! I laugh so loud. This is one of the reasons why I love Sherlock, it’s funny without trying hard and make it look like a comedy show. There are so many funny scene…I love it! And of course the great detective and his amazing deduction is a great treat for all Sherlockian.

Oh…I do believe I need to mention Mary, the most important woman in John’s life! I like her character here! I don’t remember much about Mary when I was reading the book because she was made more like a background on John’s life…but here, Mary has an interesting character, playful and wise at the same time. And…Mary is played by Martin’s real life partner (they have 2 children), Amanda Abbington. I think that makes it easier to create good chemistry between John and Mary. They sure need a good chemistry between John and Mary because otherwise it will be forgotten because the chemistry between John and Sherlock is very powerful.


My final word for this first episode of series 3 is : The waiting is totally paid off!!!

Episode 2 will be shown on January 5 at 8.30 pm (of course England time not Indonesian time 😉 )…can’t wait to see it!!! Looking forward to see Sherlock in John’s wedding…The episode is called The Sign of Three.

John: I asked you for one more miracle. I asked you to stop being dead
Sherlock: I heard you

I love seeing the dynamic duo back together again 🙂

Dinamic Duo

There’s a moment that I love the most in this episode (SPOILERS : it’s when Sherlock rushes through fire to save John…I think that’s really beautiful and shows how much John meant for Sherlock) Picture> here.

I couldn’t help it, I have to share these two HUGE spoiler pictures, two very funny scenes 😉 here and here.

Watching Sherlock again makes me fall in love with Benedict Cumberbatch all over again…I never stopped being a Cumberbabe but anyone can see that Benny as Sherlock is clearly his finest look of all his characters…black hair, long coat, arrogant and annoying…just perfect!!


Trailer for episode 1:

…and don’t forget to visit The Personal Blog of Dr. John H. Watson 😉

Miniseries Detail:

Title: The Empty Hearse
Staring: Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman, Una Stubbs,  Mark Gatiss, Rupert Graves, Andrew Scott, Amanda Abbingtton
Writer: Mark Gatiss
Director: Jeremy Lovering
Air Date: January 1, 2014

16 thoughts on “Sherlock – The Empty Hearse

  1. I can feel your love for Sherlock from this post 😉

    This was a fun episode. It was great getting the boys back. My favourite scene was when Sherlock crashed Watson’s proposal speech and Watson’s reaction. The next episode is tonight!

    I met a girl from China and she’s a big Sherlock fan. Sherlock is popular in China.

    1. It’s quite transparant isn’t it 😉
      As much as I love Doctor Who, I still love Sherlock more.

      I like how they start the series with a fun episode like this…leave all the seriousness on the last episode. I wonder who is the criminal mastermind for this series.

      Yeah that one is hilarious…and still Sherlock doesn’t understand human nature, as Mary told him 😉

      I KNOW!!! It will be tomorrow morning for me. Can’t wait to see how Sherlock reacts at John’s wedding.

      I read soemwhere that Benny is called curly Sherlock in China (or maybe Japan). Too bad Sherlock is not big here 😦 Indonesian local TV rarely shown western TvSeries nowadays and when they share one, it’s always from US.

  2. I never got into the Sherlock series. Seeing how long they are willing to make the fans wait, I’m glad I’ve held off. But it looks like I may have to start in on it soon.

    1. Oh I can wait as long as they want because if they forced it too fast, they might not have a good story. The thing about British series, they are NOT being chased by time…they take their time so that they can make amazing stories.

      I have seen 2 epsiodes now (episode 2 is soon to be reviewed) and both of them are brilliant…just when I thought Sherlock couldn’t get any better.

  3. Yippie! And you won’t believe–I actually watched episode 1 and 2 already. Usually I’m so far behind, but not this time. Thanks for introducing the series to me. I love it.

    1. Horay \(^_^)/
      …and so happy you like it, well I haven’t found anyone hating it yet 😉

      You should watch this new series…it’s awesome! I think you can still catch it on BBC iPlayer and final episode will be next week.

  4. Noooovvv!!
    First, thanks for the info for the release date and tor**nt file!
    Second, I really love this post and I love Holmes (.. more :P)

    You see, the dialog between Mrs. Hudson & John was so hilarious which urged me to suddenly laughed so hard, when i watched it through my phone on my bus. People saw me and their eyes showed, “crazy… nerd.. annoying…”
    And also when John and Holmes met in the restaurant for the first time. Holmes looked annoyed cos John couldn’t recognize him when he said, “… surprise…”, though in the end, the next scene was awesome and (still) hilarious.

    I don’t know why most of people in Y*tube gave average rate for this series. I love how this new series brought not only the seriousness but also the chemistry between John-Holmes and Holmes-Mycroft looked warmer (is it the right choice of word?).

    Btw, who is the last person showed in the last scene before the end of the first episode.. I hate my curiosity…

    Cannot wait for ur next post for the second episode and the third!

    1. You’re welcome 😉

      hahahaha yeah those two scenes are crazy!! I couldn’t stop laughing…the second is even funnier.

      Ah the rate!! I tend to ignore rate because I often have different rating to most people…when other gave high rate to The Hobbit I gave it low…I have my own preference and couldn’t care less with other people’s preference. I like this series just like what you have written…the chemistry between john and Sherlock is amazing.

      I think we will see him clearly in episode 3.

      1. Agree! Love ur words about the preferences!
        Like when I watched Hobbits 2, my opinion is good cos I’m a fan of Legolas, but not Orlando Bloom himself :p … Til I realized yesterday, Martin Freeman played as Bilbo & Benny as Smaug & Necro.. Stuuuupid of me!

        For me, this first ep was worth waiting! Cannot be more demanding since Benny potrayed Sherlock magnificently and Martin as John brilliantly. (borrow Brittish expression 😉 )

        Cannot wait for the third ep!

        1. Hahaha if watch as many Brit shows, you’ll end up saying British terms more than US terms 😉

          The third episode…longing to see it but it will also mean another waiting.

  5. After watching this episode, the 2 years waiting felt like seconds. It was MARVELOUS. One of the best Sherlock episodes and definitely one of the most hilarious. I was left speechless and still am. This is why Sherlock will go down in history as one of the best tv series of all time (at least for me!). PS: Mary is verrrry lovely.

    1. Hear hear!! You know for Sherlock (and other Brit series) I will endure long waiting because the waiting will give us amazing episode.

      I totally agree with you, this is one of Sherlock’s best episode (well, in fact all episodes are great)…but yeah i love the hilarity of this one.

      I KNOW!! I love her character sooo much, I will be sad when she leaves the show.

  6. It was a terrific comeback episode! I’ve enjoyed the series so far but haven’t seen episode 3 yet. Can’t wait to get these on blu-ray and watch them back-to-back!

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