Rise of The Planet of The Apes

Evolution Becomes Revolution

A story of love and finding where you belong

The plan was to write the review and scheduled it for Monday…but I just remember that I have other thing to write on Monday…so, I wrote and posted my review of Rise of the Planet of The Apes today.

I don’t know if you paid attention to my movie review or not, but if you do you’ll find that some were written in group while few were written as individual post. This difference way of writing happened because this individual post was meant for outstanding movies. So, you can clearly guess how I feel about Rise of the Planet of The Apes.

I have heard about the making of this movie since last year, but I wasn’t that intrigued to see it. And then I saw the trailer, either in Anomalous Material or Hollywood Spy (I no longer sure where), the moment I saw the trailer, I was hooked. I wanted to see it sooo bad even though I wasn’t a fan of The Planet of the Apes (I saw it long time ago, I couldn’t even remember the details anymore, hoping a TVchannel would kindly enough play it again). As I have said it in AM, trailer is a big influence in my way of choosing a movie to watch. Rise of the Planet of The apes has entered my long list of satisfying judgment through trailer.

I add the tagline of the movie with a story of love and finding where you belong because that is how I see the movie.

I love animals, I always love them. For me, in a movie, a dying pet is sadder than a dying man/woman. The movie started with people capturing the wild chimpanzees to be sold…ow how I hate those men. I know it’s only a movie but I can’t hold my hatred toward those kinds of people. Some of those chimps were sent to Gen-Sys. They were used to test ALZ-112, a cure for Alzheimer. One of the chimps showed remarkable result, her name was Bright Eyes. However, Bright Eyes showed aggressiveness when she was about to be shown to investor. Her act made Will Rodman lost the trust of the investor. His boss wanted all the chimps in the lab to be terminated 😦

But…a baby chimp was found in Bright Eyes’ compartment. Her aggressiveness was simply because she wanted to protect her baby. Will brought him home and raised him as member of the family. He soon found out that Caesar (the baby chimp’s name) carried his mother’s gene, he was really smart. His smartness made him feel that he was missing something. He was loved in Rodman’s house, but still something was not quite there.

Cesar’s love toward Charles, Will’s father, turned him into  a vicious ape and had to be put in a sanctuary. From that day on, we learned how Caesar turned from a house chimpanzee to the leader of the apes.

That’s all I can write about the story…I really don’t want to spoil the fun.

What’s so amazing about this movie is how animals can show more humanity than human. People, humans, during the revolution of the apes wanted to kill the apes, and yet the apes had no desire to kill them unless they were in threatened position, they only wanted to reach their destination.

I have a strong bond toward the movie because of the relationship between Caesar, Will and his father, Charles. I couldn’t find this quote below in imdb, so I try to recollect my thought…this is not going to be the perfect quote as I have only seen the movie once.

Will: (translating Caesar’s signs) Is Caesar a pet?
Will: No. You’re not.
Will: (translating Caesar’s signs) What are you?
Will: I am your father

If you can find the right quote, please share it with me…that’s my favorite quote from the movie. I guess I am sure the reason for liking that quote is because the way I feel toward my baby turtles, I am their mommy. It might sounds weird to people who never love their pets more than as animals, but that’s how I feel.

This is also my favorite:

Will Rodman: I’ll take you home.
Caesar: [slowly] Caesar *is* home.

You might think of me a bit weird here, when I saw the police were trying to kill the apes I have strong dislike toward those men, but when the apes defended themselves by killing or injuring the policemen, I don’t really care with what happened to them. When it comes to humans vs animals, my vote goes to the animals.

There are so many things to like about this movie. The story was not cheesy, the cause of human extinction was unpredictable, and the scoring was perfect.  The last scene, right before the credit, was really creepy, fits perfectly well with the scene and our imagination. And the actors were great!! Andy Serkis should received more attention and for once I found James Franco interesting…well his character is.

I haven’t seen much of 2011 movies but so far, Rise of the Planet of the Apes is in my top list of best 2011 movies (I still need to see Super 8)

Caesar was loved by his human but he was not where he belonged. He found his home with the species of his own.

You can read a great review with different perspective as mine in Filmplicity, written by Ronan; and make sure to read 3 elements that made this movie as a great movie in ScarletSp1der’s blog,written by T

Movie Details

Director: Rupert Wyatt
Staring: James Franco (Will Rodman), Andy Serkis (Caesar), Freida Pinto (Caroline Aranha), John Lithgow (Charles Rodman), Brian Cox (John Landon), Tom Felton (Dodge Landon)
Producer: Peter Chernin, Dylan Clark, Rick Jaffa, Amanda Silver
Scriptwriter:  Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver
Released date: August 5, 2011

Here is the trailer that captured my attention

27 thoughts on “Rise of The Planet of The Apes

  1. Thank you so much for the link to my review! I am honored!

    I am very glad you enjoyed this film so much! I did too! Fun review, I could really tell that you connected with it so well!

    1. Hi T…I like your review as it presents different view from mine, I jut want to let people know that you can like the movie from many views.

      Yes, I never thought I would connect to the movie so well.I thought I was going to see fun movie not a movie that close to my heart.

  2. Baru aja dua hari yg lalu saya nonton ini…
    Dan menurut saya… film ini dapat rating berlebihan di imdb. 😀 Menurut saya lebih pantas dapet rting 6,9 ketimbang 7,9. :mrgreen:

    Habisnya… ending-nya kurang bagus… saya berharap ending-nya lebih “wah”. Alhasil, saya dan adik saya sama-sama kecewa… “Yaah, ternyata ending-nya cuma begitu ya Kak…” kata adik saya. 😎

    Tapi dari ending-nya saya bisa berspekulasi. Si pilot udah ketularan virus berbahaya, dan dia secara gak sadar nyebarin penyakitnya ke berbagai negara tujuannya. Akhirnya populasi manusia mulai berkurang, dan jadilah bumi planet kera. Mungkin itu makna dari judul film ini. :mrgreen:

    1. Gyaaa….Asop nulis spoiler bgt dlm komen! untung pake bhasa Indonesia. Sy sama sekali ga nyebut2 virus supaya ga ngebocorin ending ke org lain. Menurut sy sih endingnya bgs. Tadinya sy pikir para kera bakal ngebunuhin manusia dalam revolusinya…eh ternyata manusia punah dgn sendirinya krn virus…itu ending yg bgs krn menunjukkan kera lebih manusia drpd manusia sendiri.

      Rating IMDB malah kurang buat sy…hehe liat aja rating yg sy kasih buat film ini, 5 dr 5 … rating sempurna yg jarang2 sy beri buat sebuah film 🙂

  3. You’re right. Apes do show more human than human there (referring the human to the cruel boss in the company and people in the foster care). I do think the ending is a little bit unsatisfying. Gonna post the review too next week, excited 🙂

    1. Looking forward to read your review…always fun to know what other people think of my favorite movies 🙂

      You know, even in real life, animals behave better than human.

  4. I don’t think I loved it as much as you did, but it was better than I expected 🙂

    About the ending (gara2 baca komen Asop di atas), memang kayak ngegantung, karna ini semacem kayak prequel dari cerita aslinya, dimana nanti apes nya itu menguasai dunia. Jadi ini dah pasti mereka bakal buat film lanjutannya.

    ps: James Franco is one of my favorite actors 😉

    1. Sebenarny kalo buat sy, ini ga ngegantung. Kita bisa tarik garis merahnya sendiri karena dah liat film Planet of The Apes-nya…mungkin bg yg belum nntn akan merasa endingnya ngegantung.

      I have only seen Franco in Spiderman…I like his fatherly character in this movie better.

  5. I feel the same about the death of an animal in movies. It moves me more that’s why I don’t like watching WWI movies in which so many horses die.
    I’m very interested in this movie, like you, I saw the trailer. Your remark about the police shooting the ape reminded me of something I had forgotten.
    A few years ago I wrote a short story based on a true event. A little chimp had escaped from our zoo and when the police tracked it down they shot it although it didn’t agress anyone. I was sad for days.

    1. Hope you get to see it Caroline…I am eager to know what you think about it. It’s surprising that a prequel can be this good…quite a rare event I might say.

      Ah so sad…why did they have to kill that chimp 😦
      It’s similar to a story my friend told me. He was joining a team that wanted to dry a lake and when it finaly dried, they found a huge turtle in the lake. It made quite a show and many people came to see it. A teenager was disappointed that it only stayed still. He started kicking it and suddenly it bit him and straight away hid its face along with the teenager’s foot inside its shell. Since people couldn’t get the teen’s foot, they killed the turtle and finally set that kid’s foot free. I was SO upset hearing that story. The turtle didn’t do anything wrong, the teenager did, they should just cut that teen’s foot was my deepest opinion.

  6. Once again you have shown me a movie I didnt know had come out. I will be watching this one. Definitly my kind of movie!

      1. I marked it in my movie club to be sent to me as soon as they get a copy. I pay each month and then I can watch movies without having to buy them. Though sometimes they don’t have the movie I want to watch.

  7. Glad you saw this one and loved it, Nov. It’s quite a pleasant surprise for me too, didn’t know I’d like it as much as I did. I think Serkis’ performance as Caesar is the key that made this movie work. And yeah, for once I didn’t mind James Franco so much, ahah.

    1. yup…Serkis id the key factor that makes this movie really good. The human characters aren’t as good as him.
      Hahaha don’t know you don’t really like Franco 😉

    1. Nice to hear that you got more than you hope for, Kaliana 🙂
      I was wondering can this movie be included in R.I.P challenge when I wrote it, but finally decided probably not.

  8. Wow you loved it Novia! Glad to hear that because this was the big surprise of the summer. The trailer didn’t look all that great so I was very pleasantly surprised by Apes. I totally agree that the apes outshone the humans

    1. A lot of people said that the trailer was not interesting…I thought it was great (otherwise it won’t be in my anticipated movie list).
      The apes totally lived up to the title unlike the old Planet of The Apes where the human seemed to be the main attraction 😉

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