Congo was written by Michael Crichton. It is a story about the thirteen days journey of an expedition team from ERTS to the Congo. As most of Crichton’s novels, Congo full with knowledge, mostly about primates. There is lot information that excites me and to cover some of it I decided to write another post (here).

Congo’s story is not as powerful as Jurassic Park but it has its own appeal. There aren’t many element of surprise. The journey was too long and the attack was too short…so it’s hard to find that feeling of tense throughout the story. But the information that comes along the story is very interesting.

The Story (contain spoiler)

The first ERTS expedition team in searching for Type IIb Diamond was killed by unknown creatures. Their head were crushed. R.B Travis reorganized the second team within 96hours. The second team was lead by a woman named Karen Ross. She brought along a gorilla expert, Peter Elliot, and his gorilla, Amy. Amy knew 620 American Sign Language. At first, Ross only took them as a cover up but in the end Amy proven to be a reliable help.

In Tangier, Morocco, they met Captain Charles Munro. Munro was the best guide in Africa. The journey to Virunga, Congo (now known as Zaire) was full of obstacle. Zaire was in the middle of commotion, Kigani Tribe which was a cannibal tribe was on rampage and Zaire dispatched General Muguru. But they managed to get into the rainforest after all.

They tried to get to the lost city of Zinj, it was presumed that the city held a lot of Type IIb Diamond. Type IIb Diamond was predicted to be the best source of powerful semi electrode. On their journey they saw the Kigani Tribe, met the pygmies -little people of Africa-, and survived from hypo attack. Not far from Zinj, they saw the remains of their rival, the Euro Japan Expedition Team.

They stayed in Zinj for 4 days. For 3 nights in the row they defended themselves from the attack of Grey Gorilla. Those gorillas were trained by the people of Zinj and although the people had left those gorillas passed on their trained behavior to their next generation. Basically, for 500 years they had become self trained gorillas. Few of them were able to survive, thanks to Amy. In the end, they left the city of Zinj empty handed because of mount Mukenko’s eruption.

Rating : 3 Stars (I like it)


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