88 thoughts on “=Message Board 2

  1. oh iya ya hahaha

    siapa miss yg sombong? daku jadi penasaran (nyambung komen yg dr MB lama)
    lho emangnya yg di private lebih susah nyarinya drpd yg di-password-in ya?

    1. wah kalo ditulis di umum gini ya jadi ketauan donk!!

      Kalo di privat itu bacanya hrs dr dlm alias cari lewat edit post…rese ah!! kalo dipassword kan tggl cr linknya n baca kl dah dimasukin passwordnya

  2. miss novi, saya link blog nya yaa

    Balasan Novroz
    Thank you 🙂 nanti saya link balik kalo dah ketemu PC

    1. Bag of Bones is about ghost…good choice.

      But if you want to feel more SK…try Needful Things, it’s one of my favorite (then again I have a lot of favorite from SK since he is my favorite writer)…it’s about a single man who turn a small town up-side down.

      I just realized about this challenge … I have to thank you for this great challenge that I found from your lovely blog…thx 🙂 I’m joining in.

  3. Hi There,
    Thanks for wanting to join the Thriller & Suspense reading challenge. I saw your question about why people are leaving their link? Well, when you want to join a challenge you write up a post about it then link that particular URL to Mr Linky. That way everyone else who has joined the challenge can check out how everyone else is doing and give support. I hope that answers your questions and you will come and sign up!
    BCC 🙂

    1. Thank you for explaining it 🙂

      I am currently writing my introduction to your challenge…Will be posting it soon 🙂

      I’m so eager to join in

  4. tolong beri tahu nonton nobuta wo produce dimana??? memang di tv pernah di tayangkan??? tolong di balas. janti (16).

    1. Janti tggl dimana??

      Kalo di jakarta ada banyak di tukang2 dvd bajakan seperti di stasiun kereta pasar mgg, Points Square dan Mangga 2.

      Wah jgn ngarep muncul di TV deh!! TV sekarang lg tergila2 ma drama Korea…pdhl lebih variatif Dorama jepang drpd Korea

  5. Just Another FUNtastic BLOGwalking..
    Balasan sudah berkunjung ke blog aku.. 🙂
    Suka jepang2 juga ya.. Aku juga,, apalagi manga “Tenipuri no Oujisama”.. 🙂

    1. Suka bgt!! makanya nama kura2 gw Kame 🙂

      Hmm gw ga gitu suka manga olahraga…suka yg adventure dgn jurus2 keren kayak Onepiece, bleach, dragonball…puaaaling suka sih Onepiece

  6. Hey bisa ajarin gw b. Ing gak ? Kayanya U mahir bgt. . Boleh minta fb, don’t negatif thinking, just want to learn b. Ing fluently, ,
    Gw prnah diketawin coz my english skill not enough well, ,
    Can you give me some guesses ?

    1. Sebenarnya kl buat belajar English…lebih mudah lewat twitter aja … tp jgn minta gw mem-follow lo krn quota memfollow gw dah full

      Btw…komennya gw pindahin dr post ttg film cillian murphy ke sini krn komennya ga nyambung dgn postnya 🙂 disini untuk ningalim pesan2 yg tak berhubungan

  7. Miss, saya ganti blog nih hehe jd pake Tumblr, linknya


    yg blogspot diganti aja miss hehe 😀

    1. Pake tumblr kan ga bisa komen 😦 kenapa ga pk wordpress aja? suka ga puas kl baca tp ga ngomen

      Sy juga pk tumbler…tp yah buat iseng2 aja.

        1. disqus??? tlg diperjelas. Btw sy bingung liat tumblrnya…hehe ga compatible buat HP sih.

          Ntar deh kl lg pk kompu br ditengok lg.

    1. ow ternyata ketut…hehe sy liat yg di blog 1lg dulu br yg ini.

      Eh tut, kok ga lgsg ngelink ke blognya? nickname qt bisa lgsg ngelink ke blog loh…jd kl ninggalin komen di blog org, org itu bisa tinggal klik nickname n dtg ke blog kita

      1. makasih ya mba.. ya sya udah beli dvd theater of kiss japan version, mumpung dijual cma 350rb + quadrinity rilisan indo, jd gak tersisa uangnya,, hehe… kumpulin uang dulu deh.. ^.^

  8. @Ferdinand….gyaaa kemahalan!! 145rb ga pk DVD buatan Indonesia yg biasanya SELALU mengurangi gambar/warna pd cover…sy beli yg Hongkong + DVD tntunya cuma 210rb

      1. Jd pgn liat versi Indonesianya deh…fotoin donk fer 🙂

        Sy br terima nih yg hongkong…buaaaaguuus bgt packaging-nya…ntar kl dah weekend mau sy foto n upload.

        Okeh nnt sy menuju ke TKP 🙂

  9. Hey Novia, I was wondering if you could help out, I’m a little lost in translation. I found the tagline for my review of Whisper Of The Heart: Suki na hito ga dekimashita!, but couldn’t find out what it says in English. Any idea what it means?

    1. It’s a little bit difficult to translate…I mean I understand but finding the right sentence in English is the problem. It’s the best I can come out it : Someone who like it can do it.

  10. I saw your comment in my blog. I thought your comment was very interesting. I visited your blog and I liked what I saw. Are you by chance interested in linking with my blog? we can update each others posts and gain more links. Email me at daphne @ pageeater.com. Love your blog and would be interested in creating a link to your blog on my blog site: http://bookcreak.com Check it out… would love to know what you think!

    1. I like your blog too…there are many good info there 🙂 I will put you in my list of bookworm 😉

      However…I’m sorry but I had to move your comment here…because I like to keep my tribute to my number 1 band purely to talk about them 🙂

  11. Nov, happy belated Iedul Fitri ya? Minal aidin wal faidzin. Maaf kalo ada salah-salah kata, grammar dan lain-lain yang kurang berkenan kalo komen, hehhehe.

    May Allah SWT always bless you. 🙂

    1. Ini masih dalam masa konstruksi 🙂 masih mau ditambahin header n background.

      Menu dropdown gitu tergantung themenya. Di wordpress semua tergantung themenya, gt cuma tinggal tambah2in widget aja.

      1. seandainya sy bisa pke wordpress, psti awal lngsung sy pke tuh wordpress…. susah bgt diaturnya..

        sy cri menu dropdown di google jg susah bgt..

        1. Eh? wordpress susah diaturnya? masa sih?
          Saya dah nyobain 3 blog, WP malah yg paling gampang n paling enak diapa2in.

          Dulu pake blogdrive, kelewat sederhana. Pas ketemu WP lgsg klop. Pake blogspot ga ngerti ngubah2nya…jd blogspot sy sederhana bgt.

  12. Your turtles are adorable 🙂

    I’ve checked their blog too, you seem to love your turtles so much.

    1. Wah adsens di wordpress mah milik wordpress.com bukan milik yang punya blog.
      mereka sengaja pasang adsens di setiap blog yang pake wordpress tapi uangnya pergi ke kantong wordpressnya karena bagaimanapun juga ini kan situs gratis jadi merekamenyari dana dgn cara itu

  13. Happy New Year and keep up the great work on your blog! It’s a great feat that you update it so regularly – You put my one to shame! ;D

  14. Mba Novroz, sory tnya2 lg..
    biasa klo bli cd album import jepang sm import yg overseas dmn mba??
    overseas brp sih klo albumnya??

    pgn bgt koleksi yg ori-ori, buat dukung mereka…

  15. Btw i made a new blog post. I wasn’t sure if you saw it or not, but i remember you encouraging me to to still try to find time to post stuff, so i felt like telling you

    Sorry if i’m coming off as annoying

    1. No…not annoying at all, that’s what message board is for 😉

      I followed all my blogroll through rss, but there are quite many of them sometime I missed someone’s newest post. Will read your post right away.

  16. Hi there, fellow fuzzy!

    Happee Friday!! You’re probably wondering why you are hearing from me, so I’ll get right to the point:

    Japan Earthquake Animal Rescue and Support have announced that animal holding centers in and around the disaster areas have been ordered to dispose of (gas) all pets who are not claimed within 72 hours.


    NO-KILL Japanese shelters do exist and have been rescuing animals. But they need your help! Without the work of these shelters, many animals will needlessly lose their lives!

    Here is what you can do to help (it will only take a few moments, I swear!)

    #1. Republish Hammy’s call to action on your blog
    You can just copy and paste the code below to include in your blog post if you’d like…easy peasy!
    The shelters listed at the end of the video on this post are no kill rescues and will try and save as many as possible!


    If you do 1 thing today, please READ THIS POST!
    YOU CAN GIVE HELP to animals in need……


    via CNN iReport:

    Japanese animal holding centers in and around the disaster areas have announced in a bulletin that all pets who are not claimed within 72 hours will be disposed of (gassed).

    The shelters listed at the end of the video are no kill rescues and will try and save as many as possible.

    Please consider a donation to help the animals of Japan.

    Japan Cat Network


    Animal Friends Niigata

    Animal Refuge Kansai

    Music Credits:
    “I’m Coming Home”
    Chorus: written by J. Cole
    Verses: written and performed by JennaAnne
    Edited by:
    Angela Mitchell & Papua Piig


    #2. Share the following links on Digg, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, StumbleUpon – ALL your social profiles (this will help get the word out!)

    #3. Give a donation (anything helps!) to one or a few of the shelters listed in the post you are going to republish

    Thank you for your help!

    Together us fuzzies and our human companions can make a huge difference in the lives of animals in need!

    With warm fuzzy love,
    Hammy the Happy Cavy

    PS – Please visit my friend Papua Pigg on Twitter @papuapiig, Facebook (http://facebook.com/piigs), and Youtube. Papua is doing an excellent job of sharing this story!

  17. mba novroz, ini blog sy lagi yg satu… buat anime-movie…
    trnyta enak jg pke WP, lbh simple… walaupun masih bingung2 sedikit sih..


    1. Welcome to WP 🙂 memang lebih simple tapi memberikan hasil yg lebih.
      Jaringannya lebih bgs drpd blogspot…kita bs tau kl org dah bls comment apa belum…dan yg penting, bs bales comment lewat HP 🙂

  18. Please leave a comment on my blog (giveaway) as soon as you can. You would be the first and would get a copy! 🙂 The warmoviebuff cannot use it as it is region 2 coded (Europe). If others leave a comment the second winner will be drawn from the names.

    1. I didn’t realize that this message board is already too long 😉
      Your message here will be the last message as I am going to open message board 3 now.
      Thank you soooo much for the award, I will go straight to your page now.

Comments are closed.