Monday Movies : Space Jam, The Golden Compass, The Invasion

You know, I haven’t seen any new movies for2 simple reasons: 1) No interesting new movies made it into my country’s cinema yet. The distribution became really late after the tax issue. I am still waiting impatiently to see Paul. 2) My DVD player is broken and I still haven’t bought a new one yet.

therefore, I am now stuck with local TV channels.

I rarely watched TV from Monday to Friday because there were hardly anything good on TV, never expect me to start watching those hideous sinetron (Indonesian TV drama). Fortunately, there were some good movies on the weekend.

Yesterday was one of my best TV days. I sit comfortably in front on the TV set from morning to late at night. Something I haven’t done in a looong time. I watch Shinchan and NBA games in the morning till afternoon which are my routine schedule…and after that, I enjoyed watching these 3 movies:

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