EPIC JAVA – See The Beauty of Java Island

Epic Java 1

Epic Java is a non-narrative film that will take the audience to spectacular moments happening from East to West part of Java Island

EPIC JAVA adalah film non-naratif yang akan membawa penonton ke momen-momen menakjubkan yang terjadi dari timur hingga barat Pulau Jawa

~Febian Nurrahman Saktinegara

This is a VERY special post, hence I have to share it in both English and Indonesian language. Not all of them tho…only the words from the filmmakers will be shared in both language.

Before you read more, I will let your eyes see the beauty of this film through this teaser

Beautiful, isn’t it? 🙂

I saw that first teaser a year ago but I have no idea what that was.

and then I saw a poster (I posted it at the closing of this post) few days ago on my facebook timeline. Then I asked him (the director) “What exactly is this thing, Embi?” and he simply replied it with “My first movie, Miss. I am the director of that movie

He was my student from class of 2008, as a teacher knowing that my students can live their dream is a very heartwarming moments. I didn’t take part in the making of this film, I didn’t even know he was making film (although I know he is really good with editing because he once made a video called 2808, a special video about class of 2008) … but I can’t help feeling so proud of him.

However, the reason for sharing this film is not because he was the director, it is because the teasers are stunningly beautiful..I wish I can see this 30 minute film, but for now they are still waiting for the reaction of people in Bandung…if the reception is good then they will take it to Jakarta….and I will make sure I will see it.

Seeing all the teasers made me proud to see how beautiful my country is.

Now let’s read what the filmmakers said about the EPIC JAVA (I will only translate the important parts)

English Bahasa Indonesia

Arie Naftali Hawuhede. Producer:

We started EPIC JAVA with a very limited budget. Because of that we planned everything as minimum as possible. There were so many challenges during the shooting, such as caught in the rain, got lost, sleeping on the field and even got sick. But all of those are paid by the satisfaction of the result we got.


Through EPIC JAVA, we can show to the world that the nature, culture, and people of Indonesia are very beautiful.Do enjoy EPIC JAVA, Enjoy it and be proud of Indonesia.

Kami memulai produksi EPIC JAVA, dengan modal nekat dan dengan dana yang pas-pasan. Karena keterbatasan dana itu pula yang memaksa kami untuk membuat rancangan anggaran biaya yang sesederhana mungkin untuk proses pengambilan gambar, berkeliling pulau Jawa. Banyak tantangan yang menghadang ketika proses syuting berlangsung, seperti itu kehujanan, tersasar, tidur dilapangan, sampai gangguan kesehatan. Namun semuanya itu terbayar lunas dengan rasa puas terhadap hasil yang didapat.Pada kesempatan kali ini, sekali lagi saya atas nama pribadi dan Tim EPIC JAVA, mengucapkan rasa terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada sahabat dan rekan yang berpartisipasi sebagai associate producer, supporters, dan partner. Kami juga mengucapkan terima kasih kepada keluarga kami yang terkasih yang senantiasa mendukung kami dalam situasi dan kondisi apapun. Terima kasih juga kepada sahabat, rekan, guru, yang ikut memberikan sumbang saran kepada EPIC JAVA dan membantu menyebarkan  informasi tentang EPIC JAVA, dan memberitahukan bahwa alam, budaya, orang, dan tanah air Indonesia amatlah indah untuk dapat dikenal dunia. Terima kasih terbesar kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa yang telah memberikan kesempatan dan segalanya untuk kami bisa berkarya. Akhirnya kami hanya bisa berkata bahwa segala sesuatu yang baik apabila dikerjakan dengan segenap hati dan kesungguhan akan menghasilkan karya yang besar dan berguna. Selamat Menikmati EPIC JAVA, selamat menikmati dan bangga akan Indonesia.

Febian Nurrahman Saktinegara. Director, Cinematographer, Editor:

We spent a year to shoot EPIC JAVA and within that year we visited over 40 places in Java island. The content of EPIC JAVA consist of time-lapse and stop motion videos. My interest toward these two techniques comes from directors such as Tome Lowe with his film Timescapes and Ron Fricke with his film SAMSARA. I see that not many Indonesian filmmakers are seriously using these techniques. therefore, I hope EPIC JAVA can be something different, can be a new experience for Indonesian viewers. That a film is not always focusing on the film.

I used all the gears I have to maximal event thought they aren’t as good as the professional I admired. To make motion timelapse, I still have to move the camera manually on a slide per 5mm, so it took 3 hours just to have a 6 second footage.

On August 2012, we put the unfinished version of EPIC Java (duration: 10 minutes) into some festivals, and Alhamdulillah (thank you Allah) we got few awards. That made us more eager to finish the full version of EPIC JAVA. The full version is now 30 minutes and hopefully it will meet the expectation of Indonesian viewers.

Proses syuting EPIC JAVA memakan waktu satu tahun yang dalam rentang waktu tersebut kami mengunjungi lebih dari 40 tempat di pulau Jawa. Konten film EPIC JAVA terdiri dari video-video timelapse dan slow motion, saya tertarik memperdalam kedua teknik tersebut dari para sutradara luar yang mengusung genre non-naratif, seperti Tome Lowe dengan film Timescapes, dan Ron Fricke dengan film terbarunya SAMSARA. Saya melihat belum banyak penggiat film di Indonesia yang dengan serius menggarap film dengan genre tersebut. Oleh sebab itu, Saya berharap film EPIC JAVA ini dapat menjadi suatu pembeda, dapat menjadi suatu pengalaman baru bagi penonton Indonesia. Bahwa sebuah film tidak selamanya harus berfokus pada film.

Saya menggunakan seluruh gear yang saya punya secara maksimal untuk EPIC JAVA, tidak peduli gear-gear yang saya punya belum secanggih para profesional yang menjadi acuan saya, baik dalam kualitas gambar, ataupun alat-alat pendukung lainnya, misalkan saja untuk membuat motion timelapse, saya masih harus menggerakan kamera secara manual pada slider per 5mm, hingga memakan waktu 3 jam untuk menghasilkan footage berdurasi 6 detik.

Pada bulan Agustus 2012, kami mengikutsertakan film EPIC JAVA unfinished version yang saat itu berdurasi 10 menit ke beberapa festival, dan Alhamdulilah beberapa kali pula kami mendapatkan penghargaan. Dari situ kami semakin bersemangat untuk menyelesaikan film EPIC JAVA full version-nya. Kami melanjutkan perjalanan syuting dan melakukan banyak sekali revisim baik pada gambar, music, suara, alur dan konsep. Dan sekarang, jadinya film EPIC JAVA berdurasi sekitar 30 menit yang saya harap sesuai dengan ekspektasi penonton Indonesia nantinya.

Another Teaser

Galih Mulya Nugraha. Screenwriter

 The Surya Sakral Priangan concepts had been introduced to me by Febian. I combined those concepts into a whole story about period and time phase of Java island, from sunrise to sunset. The story that I want to deliver is about Java from the beginning of life in this island, then about the people who start believing in religions and the life of people in this modern time.Many people asked us, why Java? Indonesia is very vast, not only Java. We chose Java because we live in Java and it was easier to explore the entire island.

We need crowdfunding to get the fund to finish the film because we have very limited budget. The respon was very positive and the help we got was not only from Indonesia but also from Malaysia, Taiwan, Australia and even United State.

Konsep Surya Sakral Priangan sendiri sebelumnya sudah dikemukakan oleh Febian. Nah disini saya menggabungkan ketiga konsep tadi menjadi sebuah kesatuan cerita yang utuh mengenai fase masa dan waktu mengenai pulau jawa, dari mulai terbitnya matahari di ujung timur sampai ujung barat. Cerita yang ingin saya sampaikan yaitu menggambarkan pulau jawa dari mulai terbentuknya kehidupan di pulau ini, lalu menggambarkan masyarakat yang mulai mengenal ketuhanan dan religiusitas, sampai kehidupan masyarakat pulau jawa yang modern seperti saat ini.

Nah, banyak orang bertanya-tanya, untuk menggambarkan Indonesia kenapa harus Jawa sih ? Indonesia kan Luas. Kami memilih Jawa karena kami semua berdomisili di Pulau ini, dan itupun memudahkan kami untuk meng-explore seluruh Pulau Jawa ini dengan segala kemampuan kami. Nah dari situlah terbersit ide untuk kami, sepertinya film ini tidak hanya untuk milik kami, yang kami inginkan adalah film ini menjadi juga milik semua. Bahkan sebelum film ini jadi, kita sudah membuat pooling di internet  mengenai poster EPIC JAVA.  Lalu Crowdfunding. Crowdfunding kami perlukan untuk pengumpulan dana. Karena dana kami yang terbatas, sehingga kami membutuhkan bantuan dari teman-teman juga untuk membuat project ini menjadi nyata. Alhamdulilah apresiasi dari teman-teman itu sangat positif. Dari semua teman-teman yang membantu, ternyata tidak semuanya dari Indonesia, ada juga dari Malaysia, dari Taiwan, dari Autralia, bahkan dari Amerika.

According to Febian, through Crowdfunding in Wujudkan.com, they got 200% from the needed budget they shared on that site. Their page on wujudkan.com can be seen HERE (only in Indonesian language)

Denny Novandi Ryan. Music Composer, Sound Designer

Febian and Arie asked me, “Den, we have a project, not bug. We want to make a project called EPIC JAVA. I was thrilled but also a bit frustrated. Frustrated because I have never done that kind of music before, my basic is Digital Audio Workstation for electronic, so like it or not I have to do a lot of learning.The reference I got was instrumental music which feels organic and with orchestra.

The most difficult part was how to deliver the meaning of the music to match the visual of EPIC JAVA.

Febian sama Bang Arie ngajak saya nih, “Den kita ada project, ya bukan project besar sih. Ya ini cuman keinginan kita untuk bikin sebuah project namanya EPIC JAVA”. Saya senang, tapi cenderung frustasi ya. Ya karena sebelumnya saya gak pernah bikin lagu kaya gitu, dan basicnya saya ngulik teknologi musik itu ya DAW atau Digital Audio Workstation yang cuma buat elektronik, ya mau gak mau saya belajar banyak tools lagi, ngulang dari awal. Referensi yang saya dapet jutru adalah musik-musik megah yang isinya intrumen, yang organik, terus orkestra. Satu lagu aja nih gara – gara saya baru garap pake banyak tools baru itutuh butuh waktu hampir setahun gitu. Ya toh disamping itu saya juga gak punya pendidikan khusus di bidang musik , yang pada saat itu saya melakukan proses semuanya secara digital writing, selain itu saya juga harus belajar composing, mixing, mastering, dan juga kerjain sendiri , jadi semuanya semuanya harus dipelajari dalam satu waktu. Ya Alhamdulilah pembuatan musikpun terbantu waktu Bang Arie dan Febian ngasih saya sebuah MIDI Controler nih. Waduh, seneng banget lah pokoknya. Yang tadinya cuma bikin sendiri digital writing, yang harus ngecek sendiri nadanya apa, yang gak tau harus pake apa, akhirnya udah ada MIDI Controleh lah yang bisa ngebantu banyak banget untuk pengerjaan EPIC JAVA sendiri. Tapi yang paling sulit itu menurut saya adalah gimana saya nyampein maksud lagu ini sendiri ini untuk menyatu dengan visual EPIC JAVA yang udah ada gitu.

Muhammad Ramdan. Additional Photographer

 For me, this is like “this is about spirit“. While people are using motorize slider with move-shoot-move, we still used a liner for fabric. That was the challenge.

The good thing about all of this is that Don’t wait for something to be perfect, we start making it perfect.

Bagi saya ini kaya “this is about spirit” gitu ya. Kalo kita lihat behind the scene nya yang orang – orang bikin pake motorize slider yang move-shoot-move, kita masih pake meteran buat baju. Ini tantangannya gitu, ini yang bikin beda dari yang lain gitu. Hikmah yang saya ambil gitu kalo kita harus memulai jangan menunggu semuanya sempurna, memulai dari sekarang untuk membuat semuanya  sempurna. Semoga dengan EPIC JAVA ini orang-orang lebih terbuka, ini loh pulau jawa. Ini baru Pulau jawa ya, belom Indonesia gitu, gak tau kalau Indonesianya gitu :).

A huge thank you to Embi for sharing all of those quotes. Wishing you all the success in the world…and may I say, I am so proud of you and everyone involved in the project 🙂

Here’s another Teaser

EPIC JAVA will premiere on May 17 in Bandung…they are still waiting whether to share it in Jakarta or not…it will all depend on the reaction over there.

Epic Java
The premiere poster

I know that most my blogger friends cannot see the full version of the movie…but I wish you all to see the teasers and read a bit about it because Indonesia is beautiful and not many people in the world know that….so spare few minutes of your life to see the teasers and read what the filmmakers shared about making it. Thank you 🙂

To know more about EPIC JAVA, visit their network media:


twitter: @EPICJAVAfilm

38 thoughts on “EPIC JAVA – See The Beauty of Java Island

  1. Soo beautiful and what a coincidence. We were speaking about a trip to Indonesia maybe next year. The three countries I always wanted to vist are Sri Lanka, India and Indonesia but I have only been in Sri Lanka. If only it wasn’t so far away.

    1. Oh…do come to Indonesia Caroline 🙂
      I know it’s far but we have many beautiful places. If you had gone to Srilanka, why not to India? They are quite close

    1. No…thank YOU for reading and sharing it on twitter. I honestly believe that this beauty should be shared to anyone.
      I hope you and your wife can visit Indonesia one day 🙂

  2. Mba noooov! Is this what you mean? As a masterpierce of a dedicated former student ..it’s totally great indeed!!! I’ve seen the teasers many times actually, and found myself, what can I say, they take my breath awaaay! You’re right mba, really really really proud of you Febian Nurrahman Saktinegara and those who involved in this film making. Hoping that people around the world could see the beauty you guys recorded. (I’ve seen embi’s timelapse Merangkum Jakarta last year then I started reading his blog including Epic Java from the beginning, but I didn’t leave any comment for mostly posts of him hahahaha..sorry! Mba nov, you’re an expert of reviewing people’s works..it’s provoking, inspiring everyone who would read yours to the paradise اللّهُ has created 😀

    1. Yes…this one 🙂

      Me too…I have seen his Merangkum Jakarta and loved it. Saw EPIC JAVA teaser a year ago but I really didn’t know that it was going to be made into a short film, I thought it was just a video, a glimpse, about Indonesian scenery just like Merangkum Jakarta. I was amazed to know that it’s a longer film. And it was made wholeheartedly….so heartwarming and beautiful.

      I admit I haven’t visited his blog much since he moved to blogspot because he rarely updated it 😉 … sorry Mbi.

      Thanks for the compliment 🙂 it’s easy to review something which already great from the beginning. I really hope I can see the full film.

  3. Oooh, this is VERY cool Nov! As you know I’m part Javanese so I’m definitely intrigued! I have to go back and re-read the interview but thanks for bringing this to my attention 😀

    1. You’re welcome 🙂
      I am glad you are intrigued. Just seeing the teasers make me a proud Indonesian so I HAVE to share it. I hope you can reread those words and feel the struggle they had done to make such stunning video.

  4. That was really interesting to see! The trailers all look very intriguing, and are very professional. It’s neat that you taught the director! I certainly would like to see the whole film. I hope he can sell the rights of Epic Java to some TV channels. It would make an excellent program on PBS or the Discovery Channel or Travel Network.

    1. I agree…for a film struggling with cash, this is very professional…they didn’t even used hightech stuffs to do that. I hope that will happen, I hope they can show this in TVchannels across the world, not just Indonesia.

      Ah…just to clear things up from missunderstanding read by other people, I taught him English Conversation not how to make film 😉

      Thank you for stopping by and the shout out at wombania, Peter 🙂

      1. My pleasure, Novroz.
        Yes, I didn’t really think you taught film making. I bet he’ll be using what you taught him when he tries to sell his project internationally, though.

  5. Whoa, stunning teasers! Is it a documentary or a story about Java? He surely did a great job editing the teaser, and because he’s also the director so he knows the pulse of the movie. I wouldn’t mind checking the movie. Java looks beautiful in it.

    1. It’s a documentary about Java, as screenwriter said it shows Java from the beginning to the modern day.

      Great editing, isn’t it! He has to edit thousands of pictures to do that. If I had friends to go to Bandung, I would definitely go and see it. It’s beautiful even in the small screen of youtube, imagine how it looks in big screen!

    1. Makes me really proud 🙂
      I have another student working in rhe entertaiment bussines, I am also proud of him but I think this beautiful peace of art makes me prouder.

  6. Loved the teasers – Your student really is talented! How great that they are living their dream!

    And the premiere is on my Mum’s birthday! 🙂

    Wags to all,

    Your pal Snoopy 🙂

    1. I love seeing my students living their dream and to see them doing something this beautiful.
      Aw I will make sure to say happy birthday to your mom on that date 🙂

    1. Yes, it’s just a collection of picture without any words on it…but the pictures tell a story. And it’s sort of a documentary

    1. I hope you can 🙂 I really hope they can show this to people outside Indonesia. In fact, I am still hoping they will play it in Jakarta (currently only in Bandung)

      I will be waiting for you in Jakarta 🙂

      1. If they can sell that to TV channels… for example TRT is Turkeys state television and even has own documentary channel. Maybe they could buy this films broadcast rights for Turkey…

        1. I haven’t seen the director in years, but if I meet him in the future, I’ll be sure to tell him that.
          I really hope they will sell it to TV abroad.

  7. I had heard about this project too, Miss, but I didn’t realize that kak Embi is the director! I don’t really know him that well, but many of 28 seniors I know speak highly of him, they said that he’s really creative. Congrats and good luck to him!

    1. Ah…you didn’t know maybe because of the name 😉 Embi and Febian are not quite the same 😉
      Anyway, when I was still teaching him, I know him quite well, he is what British would say Good Lad. It’s nice to see him living his dream.

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